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Whisper to the World, Let the Blockchain Echo

Echo combines the trust of blockchain with seamless content delivery, providing creators a secure stage to broadcast while offering audiences a trustworthy space to engage.

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Our vision

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The Echo Ethos
Redefining Community Broadcasts
Echo is the bedrock for permanent digital communications. Where other platforms' messages may fade, Echo engraves your words onto the blockchain, ensuring they resonate indefinitely. Our vision is a new era of digital permanence, providing a messaging service that's as enduring as it is secure.
Why choose Echo?
Unparalleled Security, Unmatched Clarity
Echo transcends traditional messaging with impenetrable blockchain security, guaranteeing that every message remains pristine and private. It's not just about joining conversations—it's about forging a legacy in an unalterable record, empowering your freedom to communicate with absolute peace of mind.


Genesis of Echo
The idea
Mathis, the founder, envisioned Echo - a platform set to revolutionize online group communication. Grounded in the belief of digital permanence.
Concept Validation
The Echo concept was put to the test with focus groups and blockchain experts, validating the demand for secure, immutable messaging and gathering initial feedback.
Echo's First Code Commit
The first lines of code were committed, marking the official start of Echo's journey from an idea to a tangible product.
Web app Alpha Release
Echo’s web application Alpha version was unveiled to a limited user base for real-world use and feedback.
Public Beta testing
The first lines of code were committed, marking the official start of Echo's journey from an idea to a tangible product.
Web App Official Release
The full version of Echo's web application will be released, offering robust decentralized messaging with full end-to-end encryption.
Mobile App Launch
The highly anticipated Echo mobile app will hit the markets, bringing unparalleled communication security to devices worldwide.
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